The pelvic floor is a hammock of muscles within the pelvis that are important for bowel and bladder control, pelvic organ support, and sexual function. Pelvic floor muscle training and education can increase pelvic floor skill, strength and endurance, which can improve or cure many types of pelvic floor dysfunction. The goal of pelvic health physiotherapy is to help you regain confidence and control over your pelvic floor and its functions.


Although pelvic floor difficulties are common, these conditions are treatable and you do not have to live with them.


Common conditions treated include:

  • Urinary Incontinence (stress incontinence, urge incontinence, mixed incontinence)

  • Urinary dysfunction (frequency, urgency, incomplete emptying)

  • Bowel dysfunction (incontinence, constipation, incomplete emptying, dysenergia)

  • Painful Intercourse (vestibulodynia, vaginismus)

  • Prolapse (anterocele, vaginal, rectal)

  • Coccydynia (tailbone pain)

  • Pre and post-partum related hip, back, groin and pelvic pain or weakness

  • Diastasus Rectus Abdominis (DRA)

  • Post-menopausal vaginal dysfunction

  • Post-surgical pain and/or dysfunction

Want to know more? Click here for a link to our blogs posts about pelvic health physiotherapy.

What should I expect during my pelvic health physio assessment?

At a typical pelvic health physiotherapy session you are provided with a one hour, dedicated one on one treatment session that will start with a detailed history regarding your specific pelvic issues. If needed, an external and/or internal exam will be performed to assess your pelvic floor control.

At the end of your session, a customized treatment plan will be designed specific to your needs. You will receive extensive education as well as a home exercise plan. An external EMG biofeedback machine may be used to maximize the effectiveness of treatment provided.

Your comfort is paramount to us - we provide a respectful, open and understanding environment for every body. Please feel free to bring your children to your appointment if needed.

Nicole Coffey & Hayley Alexander treat people with pelvic floor dysfunction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you treat men?

Yes! Men have a pelvic floor as well. We commonly treat stress incontinence (eg. after prostatectomy or a TURP procedure), and pelvic pain among other things. 

Note: for this service, please book with Nicole Coffey.

I’m not comfortable with an internal exam. Can I still come? 

Absolutely, please do! Although the internal exam adds valuable information to the assessment, we can provide treatment based on pelvic floor observation and the history you provide. If you would prefer no observation and just discussion we are more than happy to do that as well. Whatever makes you the most comfortable is what works best for us. 

We are also able to minimize internal work with an external EMG biofeedback machine. This can help tell how strong you are and how well you are contracting your muscles, which can be extremely helpful.

What is a biofeedback machine and why is it helpful?

One of the biggest things about doing pelvic floor exercises is that most women believe they are doing their Kegel contractions correctly when they are not. The biofeedback machine works by attaching stickers to your pelvic floor (kind of like a heart monitor) and getting direct and immediate feedback visually on the screen when your muscles are contracting and relaxing. This is extremely helpful for people to confirm that their muscles are doing what they think they are doing. The machine helps to ensure you are getting the maximum benefit from the home exercise program by increasing your awareness of what your muscles are doing and how to control the contractions. That way you can be confident that you are doing the exercises correctly!

When should I come for pelvic health physio?

Anytime you like! You may have been having issues for a few months or a few decades - it doesn’t matter, you can still make a ton of progress! If you have just had a baby I recommend waiting until 6 weeks after the birth in order to give things time to settle.

If you are looking for a pessary you must be minimum 12 weeks postpartum.

Can I bring my baby in?

Please please please pleeeeease bring your adorable tiny humans! I don’t want the lack of a babysitter to be the reason you don’t come in. So if you need to come with your child please do so. We can make it happen.

Do you do pessary fittings?

Yes! Nicole is able to fit several different types of pessaries.

If you have any questions, please contact us.