
Meet Devon!

It’s our vestibular therapist’s turn to introduce herself! Devon Konrad is one of the owners of Ladner Village Physiotherapy – take a look at her answers below!


What is something totally random that people won’t know about you?

I’m a pilot! As high school was ending, I didn’t know if I wanted a career in aviation or something in human anatomy and biology. I loved everything about biology – learning how the body worked, how we move, how we breathe, how viruses and bacteria get in there and screw everything up. But the sky was a huge passion as well. My mom was a flight attendant - I grew up on planes and loved every second of it. I got my pilot’s license and weighed the two careers, knowing I could only do one of them well. Turns out it’s weird to do human biology as a hobby (cue Dexter), so aviation became something I do for fun.

When did you decide you wanted to be a physio?

It took me a long time to get there. I went to university with the intention of becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon – I even planned on having the province buy me a plane so I could fly into small communities and do consults!

I realized fairly quickly that I didn’t want to go to medical school. The problem was I had no idea what I did want to do – sound familiar to anyone? I finished by degree in Animal Biology at UBC and ran away to Australia, making it easy to not make any decisions. I flirted with becoming a paramedic, a parasitologist (one who studies parasites – I’m telling you, I love the things) and a pathologist (apparently I have a thing for careers that start with P).


A few family friends are highly regarded physiotherapists. I honestly had no knowledge of the profession. At some point, these family friends started nudging me in the physio direction. After some research, I thought it may fit my personality well – I would be immersed in human anatomy and physiology (yay!), I would get to talk to people all day and develop real relationships (for those of you who know me, you’ll know I’m a talker), and I would get to help people feel better.

In the end, it turns out I picked the perfect career. I have the flexibility to be with my kids when I need to be, I’m challenged daily at work and I have the most incredible conversations with the best people. I love what I do and I’m incredibly grateful to have found it.

Which sports are you into?

Ultimate frisbee! I’m back to playing it after a 3 year hiatus due to chronic foot issues. I’m slow and generally terrible but I love it.

A new love is rock climbing at the Hive – also slow, also terrible, also in love.

Where did you grow up?


I lived in Steveston until I was 12, then moved to South Surrey. I used to say White Rock, but I’ve been called out on that too many times (including once in a hostel in Spain – that was surprising. I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped on the floor with that one).

What is your favourite orthopaedic condition to treat?

Ooooh I have so many! I think shoulders are my favourite – they respond so well to exercise and rehab really well. I also love me some ribs (which isn’t really a condition but you get the idea).

Favourite vestibular condition to treat:

There’s nothing more satisfying than taking away someone’s symptoms in 3 minutes. With BPPV, that’s exactly what we do. When someone comes in complaining of spinning with sitting up, lying down and rolling in bed, it’s incredibly gratifying to be able to take that away with an Epley maneuver and teach them how to do the Epley themselves.

I probably have the most fun with my persistent concussion clients. We get to tap into so many different aspects of their physiology – cognition, vision, vestibular function, balance, proprioception, dual task, the list goes on – and I get to design and play some really fun exercises. Jousting on bosus? Sounds like fun! Obstacle course with me throwing balls at you? Don’t mind if I do!

What makes you happiest?

The simple things. Getting rings off the bottom of the pool with my daughters. Tickle fights with the whole family. Eating really good food with my favourite people. You know – the important things.



Cats or dogs? Cats. Obviously.

Favourite food? Depends on my mood. Right now, guacamole.

Favourite dessert: Cookies and milk

Favourite Junk food: Pure, unadulterated milk chocolate

Beach or mountains: Mountains – unless there’s snorkeling, then beach

Favourite colour: Green

Favourite music: 90’s rock/alt rock – Foo Fighters, Nirvana, early Finger Eleven, Incubus, Matchbox Twenty, Green Day. Also: musicals (Hamilton!)

Favorite day of the week? Sunday – it’s ultimate frisbee day!

Nickname? Dev

Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or be able to talk to animals? Every language in the world

Favorite holiday? Christmas

How long does it take you to get ready? 20 minutes

Invisibility or super strength? Invisibility

Is it wrong for a vegetarian to eat animal crackers? No

Dawn or dusk? Dusk

Do you snore? I don’t think so?  


Place you most want to travel? ONE!?!? Impossible. Top 7 in no order: northern coast of Spain, Iceland, Borneo, Madagascar, Amazon basin, Antarctica, Belize. Also: everywhere in the world.

Last Halloween costume? I had a rainbow wig and crazy make up – I have no idea what I was

Favorite number? I love all numbers. I also memorize them – I don’t know why. Ask me my mom’s Costco card number. Why do I store such useless information?!?

Have you ever worn socks with sandals? …. yes.

Would you rather cuddle with a baby panda or a baby penguin? Panda!

Would you want to live forever? I’d like to say no but I also never want to die, so….

What's for dinner tonight? Oh man, it was loved by my kids! Lime cilantro chicken on the BBQ, rice and beans with cilantro (we love cilantro), salad.