Around Town

Our Favourite Summer Activities

Here at Ladner Village Physiotherapy, we like to stay active. Let’s introduce you to our therapist’s favourite summer activities and why you might want to give them a try!

Devon (Physiotherapist/ clinic owner):

Favourite activity: Ultimate frisbee

Why you may want to try it: Ultimate frisbee is one of few sports where players often don’t begin to play until they are adults. This is great as it means everyone starts on an even playing field. The ultimate frisbee community is welcoming and encouraging. According to Devon, ultimate frisbee might be the activity for you to try if you enjoy hard work, games of strategy, sprinting, sarcastic banter and a few cold drinks after the game!

Where to try it: the Vancouver Ultimate League plays on fields all over Vancouver and they also have a Surrey league.

Nicole (Physiotherapist/ clinic owner):

Favourite activity: Horseback riding

Why you may want to try it: Horseback riding is an activity perfect for animal lovers. Nicole loves horseback riding because she loves spending time around horses, being outside, and working on her core strength and balance. Horseback riding might be the right activity for you if you are looking for a new and challenging activity to try which is fairly low impact and a lot of fun!

Where to try it: Delta has so many barns and stables for horseback riding, from beginner to advanced level! Crescent Stables offers lessons to all ability levels as does Five Star Farms and Top Form Equestrian.

Sofy (Physiotherapist):

Favourite activity: Running

Why you may want to try it: Running is one of the most accessible activities around! All you need is a pair of runners and you’re good to go. Sofy enjoys running as it is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, explore the city, and there are always new ways to challenge yourself. She recently completed her first marathon!

Where to try it: Out your front door! If you’re looking for a clinic or a group to run with, the Run Inn out of Tsawwassen is a great group to join (they can also get your feet set up for success with the right shoes for your body).

Stephanie (Physiotherapist):

Favourite activity: Climbing

Why you may want to try it: Climbing is a fantastic way to challenge yourself and try something you may not have tried before. Outdoor climbing is an amazing way to explore our beautiful backyard and (literally) bring your exploring game to new heights! Stephanie loves climbing as it is a social activity where you can enjoy time with her friends, and you are able to challenge yourself by setting goals (or projects as they are called in the climbing world) to complete.

Where to try it: The Hive is a great place to try bouldering, a type of climbing with shorter walls, no ropes and thick crash pads. If you’d prefer to be roped in, try Coastal Climbing in Surrey.

Trevor (Physiotherapist):

Favourite activity: Golf

Why you may want to try it: Golf is the perfect mix between a challenging competitive sport and a great relaxing activity. Whether you hit up the driving range, play 18 holes, or even just go to a pitch and putt, golf is a fun social activity that can be accomidated to your skill level. Trevor enjoys golf as he likes spending time with friends, a good competition, and taking a break from the craziness of life for a few hours.

Where to try it: Try one of South Delta’s fabulous golf courses! We have The Links at Hampton Cove, Kings Links by the Sea, Tsawwassen Springs & Beach Grove Golf Club.

Anh (Physiotherapist):

Favourite activity: Tennis

Why you may want to try it: Tennis is a perfect summer sport! It’s very accessible, affordable, and a lot of fun! Anh enjoys playing tennis as it’s a great way to work on her hand eye coordination (which we hear could use some work!). One reason we love tennis is that it’s an easy to learn sport for people of all ages! You can easily bring your kids out to play (or run around and chase balls for you, either way, we don’t judge)!

Where to try it: South Delta has tennis facilities at several major parks in Ladner and Tsawwassen. We also have two tennis clubs, the Ladner Tennis Club and Tsawwassen Tennis Club, both offering tennis lessons, lit courts at night and tournaments.

Gabrielle (Register Massage Therapist):

Favourite activity: Swimming

Why you may want to try it: Swimming is a fantastic low-impact activity. Since you can float in the water, swimming takes pressure off your joints and allows you to move them into different ranges of motion than you may be able to out of the water. Swimming not only helps stretch muscles by allowing them to move more freely, but it’s also a full body strengthening workout! Gabrielle loves swimming because you can stay cool, hang out with your family, and it’s great for stiff joints!

Where to try it: If lap swimming is your thing, your best local options this summer are Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre and the Ladner Outdoor Pool (the Ladner Leisure Centre will be closing at some point for several months, but we don’t know when that will happen as of yet). I’d also encourage you to get into nature and try swimming at Centennial Beach (warm and shallow for daaaaays).

Kheya (Registered Kinesiologist):

Favourite activity: Volleyball

Why you may want to try it: Volleyball is a fun, challenging, and quick moving team sport. Volleyball is a blast because you can play it indoors, outdoors, or even on the beach! Kheya loves volleyball as she loves the amount of teamwork involved, being outside, and the rush you get after getting a great hit or block in. Volleyball is great a great way to meet new people and be involved in the community as everyone all supportive, friendly, and welcoming.  

Where to try it: Volleyball BC offers several leagues for various ability levels all over Metro Vancouver. Urban Rec offers a beach volleyball league in Ladner.

We hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about our practitioner’s favourite summer activities and may even feel inspired to try a few of them for yourself!

If you have any aches or limitations preventing you from trying these activities, come visit one of our therapists to get the help you need to get back to it!

To book an appointment, call (778) 630-8800, email us or book online.

Summertime in Delta

That big shiny thing in the sky… I’m told that’s the sun. According to the weather man “June-uary” is over and the heat has finally arrived. How exciting!

Before we all just rush outdoors to soak it all in I wanted to point out that we Vancouverites are not so great at dealing with warm days (kind of in the same way we aren’t great with snow. How can you be expected to be good at something if you never get to experience it am I right?). Let’s take this opportunity to remind ourselves of some important factors to consider before heading out into the sun to exercise.

Nicole’s Top Tips for Summer Exercise

  1. Stay hydrated! Your body will sweat extra when it is hot out. Keep yourself cool and help prevent heat injury (such as heat stoke) by keeping the H2O handy!

  2. Be aware of your fitness level. Unless you are acclimated to the heat your exercise tolerance will go down when it is hot out. Take it easy and listen to your body. Go at an intensity that feels good for you. You probably won’t be able to run as far or as fast when it’s 28 degrees out as you did a few weeks go when it was 10 degrees and cloudy. And that’s okay.

  3. Timing is everything. Take advantage of the long days! Early mornings and late evenings are significantly cooler and more pleasant for exercise (or just to exist in generally speaking, just ask my golden retriever).  

  4. Wear sunscreen. Just do it.

  5. Wear appropriate clothes. Loose fitting thin clothes in a light colour will help you stay cool.

  6. Location location location! Is there a shady spot that you could go for your run instead of the track? Could you bike along the water where there is a breeze? It’s worth checking out!

Some of our favourite outdoor summer exercise opportunities in Delta include:

  • Hiking or nature walks - If climbing mountains isn’t your thing than A) you chose the right place to live because Ladner is as flat as a pancake, and B) Delta has some lovely little forest walks including Deas Island, Watershed Park and Burns Bog. If mountains are your thing then that’s great too. Be safe and take pictures for us!  

  • Walking - Walking as exercise is underrated. It gives you cardiovascular benefits and is well tolerated when it’s hot out (need more details? Check out our earlier blog on the health benefits of walking as well as our favourite walks in our neighborhood). You can make a walk more challenging by changing the terrain (walking on sand is more difficult that concrete) or by increasing distance. Remember that walking doesn’t have to be fancy - I love my evening neighbourhood walks with my dog.

  • Water sports - Paddle boarding and kayaking are great options in South Delta. They work your core and upper body while you get to stay cool out on the water. Just remember your hat and sunscreen!

Remember to go indoors if needed - not everyone likes the heat and that’s okay too. You could do yoga inside your own home, or workout at the gym (woo hoo for air conditioning).

Whatever you decide, I hope you have a great time and stay safe. It’s been a doozy of a year and I’m glad that we can all take an opportunity to enjoy some of this lovely weather. 


I am starting to love the ritual of Sunday mornings. It usually goes like this: we have a lazy breakfast (this morning, it was poached eggs on toast), then the kids go play outside while I sip a London fog and and peruse the New York Times.

I opened up the Times this morning to a special section simply titled “JOY”. It was filled with articles about finding joy in forgotten and unexpected places (acronym included!): “The Joy of Consuming an Obscene Number of Calories Before Noon (J.O.C.A.O.N.O.C.B.N)”, “The Joy of Picking a Fight (J.O.P.A.F.)” and 12 others that brought many a smile to my face.

“The Joy of Jogging Very, Very Slowly”? This one very much spoke to me.

This got me thinking: what has brought me joy in these times? What may bring you joy, if you haven’t found it already? Here’s my list of things that have brought me hidden and unexpected joy.

The Joy of Getting Dirty in the Garden (J.O.G.D.I.T.G.)

My garden! Carrots and radishes and spinach, oh my!

My garden! Carrots and radishes and spinach, oh my!

I’ve never been a gardener. It’s not that I wasn’t interested necessarily - I’ve always loved a burst of colour amongst a sea of green. But it’s never been something I did. At the beginning of this whole thing, I asked my husband to build me some planter boxes so I could try my hand at growing things. He was skeptical - the only thing I’ve managed to keep alive are the kids, plants be damned - but he acquiesced and built two beautiful raised beds for me to plant anything I wanted.

Turns out: I’m a gardener! I love it. I love training the peas and tomatoes up the trellis. I love the science of it, the art of it. Learning what to plant with what, what foods they need, what to plant where and why. It’s soul filling in a way I didn’t know it would be.

The Joy of Terrible Yoga (J.O.T.Y.)

The more I practice physiotherapy, the more I’m turning to yoga postures to stretch, to activate, to control a movement I need my clients to focus on. It could be a simple Child’s Pose for someone with a stiff shoulder or back or a flow between Downward and Upward Dog for those suffering from dizziness.

Full disclosure: I’m terrible at yoga. TERRIBLE. My balance sucks, my grace in movement is… graceless? Is that a word?

But I’m loving it. I love doing it. It FEELS good. The worse I am at it, the more I laugh at my terrible-ness and the more joy I find in it. The best is doing it with my kids - there’s something particularly enjoyable about learning something from scratch with your mini-mes. (We’re really into Cosmic Kids Yoga - Jamie is awesome!!)

The Joy of The Aimless Drive, Bike Ride and Walk (J.O.T.A.D.B.R.W.)

Like most of you out there, I’m busy. I have a full time job, a partner, two kids and responsibilities. A seemingly endless list of responsibilities. I usually try to pair movements with extra function - going up the stairs? Take this laundry basket! Going for a walk? Pick up some lettuce! The more efficient I can be, the more time I have for myself… right? Although, it never seems to end up that way.

We have gotten into the habit of a bike ride after dinner. My kids take turns leading. Where are we going? Who cares! We’re having fun! It’s freeing in a way I forgot about and so happy to have experienced again.

What are your New Joys? What has brought you happiness during these past few months? We would love to hear it!

Spring in Delta!



Spring is here! Fine, it’s not TECHNICALLY spring, but:

  • My crocuses (croci?) are in full bloom

  • My daffodils are emerging

  • I saw some robins on my lawn yesterday

All these things add to spring! If you’re anything like me, spring energizes you and gets you excited for the warm weather ahead.

With that in mind, I thought I’d put together a list of the things around town I’m excited to do, try and participate in this year!

The Delta Triathlon


It’s back! After 3 years of cancellations, this popular event has historically sold out quickly. The course starts at the Ladner Leisure Pool with the swim and continues with the bike and run through the very flat side streets of Ladner.

Never tried a triathlon? This is a great one to see if it’s for you! The swim portion is 600m, the bike ride is 18.5km and the run is 5km. There’s also kids and youth divisions for those 8 years old and over.

Registration opens for Delta residents this Thursday, March 5th at 9am. Non-Delta residents can register two weeks later on Thursday, March 19th.

For more information, visit the City of Delta’s website.

Bike to Barnside Brewing


So this little brewery opened up in Ladner a few months ago and I have to say, I’m intrigued. Not only is it an easy bike ride from downtown Ladner but it’s gotten great reviews from friends. They brew on site with ingredients farmed locally - what’s not to love? Not only that, but they have a cranberry tart ale I’m dying to try!

I’ve heard rumours of grilled cheese sandwiches and charcuterie plates available as well. Maybe some food trucks will show up this summer? One can hope!

Sustainable Workshop Series - Gardening

Every spring, the City of Delta puts on a series of workshops focusing on sustainable gardening practices - honestly, I had no idea! This year, workshops focus on vegetable & herb gardening, mason bees, managing garden pests, backyard composting, soil management and more!

Gardening has so many benefits beyond the obvious sustainable and environmental reasons. A Swedish study linked gardening with improved cardiovascular health and increased longevity regardless of regular exercise. A Dutch study associated half an hour of gardening with a significant reduction in acute stress, suggesting a stressful day at the office can be (at least somewhat) mitigated by a good dig in the dirt. A study out of the University of Pennsylvania suggested regular gardening improves sleep as exposure to natural light helped regulate circadian rhythms. (Side note - this review of the literature has convinced me to start gardening.)

The best part? They’re free! All you have to do is sign up here.

Watershed Creek Fish Release

This one is a great event for the whole family. On Sunday, April 19th from 12-2pm, over 25,000 chum salmon fry will be released into Watershed Creek. It’s fun, it’s free and it’s a chance to see how we can support our local ecosystems.

Plus, you’re in the gorgeous Watershed Park! Bring your mountain bike or your hiking shoes and make a day of it!

That’s my list! What are you excited for this spring? Leave a comment below!

Stay tuned for the continuation of Nicole’s series on Injury Prevention in Running, with Part 3 landing here on the blog next week!

A Local Gem for Seniors: The McKee Seniors Recreation Centre

Last week, Nicole and I spent two days at the McKee Seniors Recreation Centre for their open house week. To be honest, the most I knew was they did a cute trick or treating event for the kids during Fright Nights at Hallowe’en. Past that, I knew very little about what went on inside those walls.


On Monday we set up our little table in the hall and talked to everyone who came by, answering any physiotherapy related questions people had for us. We were sitting opposite a bulletin board advertising the latest offerings in McKee House - a photography class, Osteofit, all different kinds of yoga, a men’s only strength class… Quite frankly we were blown away by the variety of options they had.

After getting a facility tour from Ben, the president of the McKee House Seniors Society, here’s a bit of what we learned:

  • Membership to the McKee House is $30 for the year (that’s such a deal!!) and you need to be 50 years of age to join

  • There are a crazy number of classes they offer - some for an extra fee, some included in your membership. Some of my favourites include:

    • Core, Balance and Strength (specifically targeted at decreasing the risk of falls through balance exercises and floor work)

    • Workout Warriors for Men (a strengthening class specifically for men with a mix of weights, cardio and flexibility)

    • Gentle Yoga (aimed at those with arthritis and limited mobility with an instructor that can modify poses as needed)

    • Muscle Max (an energetic class for making you sweat, using different equipment including weights and bands)

    • Osteofit (a class originally developed by the BC Women’s Hospital aimed at fall prevention for both men and women, especially for those with osteoporosis)

    • Introduction to Argentine Tango (because why not?)

  • They have drop-in everything you can think of - knitting, cribbage, conversational Spanish, snooker, poker, trivia….

  • The space is lovely with large windows, comfy chairs, a great cafe and a large auditorium for movie nights and concerts

You can find all their current programs listed in their current program guide.

The McKee House is a wonderful part of the Ladner community. We all know how important it is to stay social and active as we age. The exercise classes offer a means to strengthen, improve mobility and improve energy levels, all huge factors in reducing the risk of falls. Both brain and body health stand to get a boost through the offerings at the McKee House.

Have you been thinking about checking them out but nervous about going? I’m not sure you could meet a friendlier bunch of people with just enough sarcasm thrown in for a good laugh (you can see why it left such an impression on me)! Do yourself a favour and head on over - you’ll be happy you did.

If you’re wondering which class is for you and you would like some guidance, give us a call at (778) 630-8800 to make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists.

In An Exercise Rut? Try Something New!

Before I had kids, I was obsessed with ultimate frisbee. WAY before kids, I played 4 nights of double headers per week and spent at least one weekend a month in the summers playing in tournaments. More than anything else, it was soul filling. Sure, the exercise was great. But there was something about the people and the sport that gave me a sense of belonging, of self.

I haven’t been able to play in years. I get twinges of going back but I think that ship has sailed. This leaves me with a dilemma: what do I do now? I’ve been searching for something to inspire and excite me again. If you’re like me, you might be looking for that something too - something that fits your new life with its new needs and constraints. Here are some ideas:

The green route is my current nemesis!

The green route is my current nemesis!

  1. Rock Climbing - Bouldering at the Hive has excited me in a way I haven’t felt in years. With walls about 18 feet high, you climb a specific route without any ropes, landing on thick crash pads below you if you fall. Not only is the upper body workout phenomenal, the social aspect of analysing and figuring out a route with friends is great. I don’t have to commit hours to it or plan much - I can just fit it in somewhere in my week. My family has even gotten into it - it’s turning into one of our favourite things to do on a lazy Sunday. And as my best friend says, it’s like solving a puzzle with your body - what’s not to like about that?

  2. Swimming - There’s something blissful about the water. Whether you’re swimming laps, joining an aquacize class or water running, the water just feels good on your body. I can get into an almost meditative-like zone when swimming laps, rhythmically counting my breaths as I zone out. The local pools, including the Ladner Leisure Centre and Winskill, have lots of options in their schedules that can work around families and obligations. If you’re more adventurous. slip on a wetsuit and hit the ocean - nothing like a brisk swim in the bay to make you feel alive!

  3. Rowing and Dragon Boating - I recently ran across the Abreast in a Boat group at the Ladner Village Market. Back in my undergrad days, I was an ardent participant in Day of the Longboat, a dragon boating intermural competition held every September at UBC. Seeing this dragon boating group reminded me how much fun it is. Abreast in a Boat is dragon boating specifically for survivors of breast cancer - if that’s you, it’s definitely worth checking out this incredible group of supportive and inspiring women, especially considering they now have a group that paddles out of Deas Island. Otherwise, check out The Dragon Zone for dragon boating in Vancouver or the Delta Deas Rowing Club for some local paddling.

  4. Pickleball - A cross between badminton and tennis, pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in Canada. It’s gotten so popular that Delta has even built dedicated outdoor courts at Memorial Park in Ladner. The Delta Pickleball Association is a fantastic resource for those thinking of trying this sport out - they also provide lessons free to members!

  5. Lawn Bowling - If you’re looking for something that is social and challenging without being too energy draining, lawn bowling is a fabulous option. With clubs in both Ladner and Tsawwassen, lawn bowling combines a high degree of hand-eye coordination, depth perception and balance, all while having a great laugh with your competition.

  6. Yoga - If you haven’t tried yoga, you’re doing yourself a disservice. There is a type of yoga for everyone: super bendy people who need more control through their joints; super inflexible people that can only wave at their toes from a great distance; people who chronically injured and need to work on their balance and other deficits (hey, that’s me!)…. In my experience, finding the type and style of yoga for you is all about trial and error. If yoga is something you’re interested in, try a bunch of different styles and instructors until you find the one for you. To find a yoga studio, walk 100 feet in any direction and you’ll probably be close.

Have you found something new that excites and inspires you? Let us know by commenting below!

If your new sport has given you some new injuries, give us a shout at (778) 630-8800 or

Who Doesn’t Love A Good Walk?


When I ask people how they stay active, almost everyone includes the same answer: walking. It is one of the most studied forms of physical activity and counts some big names as its cheerleader: Harvard Medical School, The Heart and Stroke Foundation and The Arthritis Foundation, just to name a few.

The benefits of walking are seemingly endless. It’s low impact enough to be gentle on arthritic joints, yet with enough resistance to help people with osteoarthritis maintain their bone density. It’s free and accessible, and requires little more than a decent pair of shoes. It works your heart, your lungs and your muscles.  It can be a great solo adventure or an excuse to hang out with your friends. Here’s a few more benefits you may not know:

  • Improved brain function – a 2017 study found the impact of the foot hitting the ground while walking produced pressure waves throughout your circulatory system, significantly increasing blood to your brain. They even found that your heart rate and stride rate were synced by your body to help improve blood flow to your brain!

  • Improved mood – A large meta-analysis published in 2016 showed walking to be a treatment option (either by itself or as an adjunct to other treatment options) to those who suffer from depression. The American Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion’s 2018 Report on Physical Activity Guidelines also list walking as a treatment option for anxiety.

  • Improved memory and cognitive function – given the last two bullets, this makes sense! It’s even further supported by a 2015 study on older adults in Japan. Better memory, improved focus and concentration – what’s not to love?


Have we convinced you to add walking into your weekly routine? Here’s a list of our favourite walks around South Delta:

  1. Ladner Spirit Trail - Technically located in the South Arm Marshes Wildlife Management Area, this trail is a fan favourite among my kids. Filled with carvings and painted rocks, the Spirit Trail access can be found off Ferry road close to Admiral Road.

  2. Swenson Walk at Ladner Harbour Park – Access to this park is from River Road, with a bridge going over the slough just west of Ferry Road. Tall trees with views of the water make it a great escape without having to go far.

  3. Deas Island Regional Park – Another tall tree and water view combination makes this park a lovely destination. Find the access to Deas Island off River Road a few minutes north of the Tunnel.

  4. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary – If you’re into feeding black birds and chickadees from your hands, this is the place for you. Located at the far end of Westham Island, the best part of this walk is the berries and farm fresh produce you can get on your way home!

  5. Fred Gingell Park – Less of a walk and more of a grind, this “walk” involves a lot of stairs. The view on the way down is stunning and there’s a counter for you at the top (assuming you plan on subjecting yourself to it multiple times….) Find this park on English Bluff Road at around 3rd Avenue.

  6. Brunswick Point – Wander on the dike while you take in the birds and the ferries on this lovely walk. Its two main points of access are Wellington Point Park and at 30B Street and River Road.

  7. Boundary Bay Regional Park at Centennial Beach – Located at the north end of Centennial Beach, this lovely walk has great views of the beach with Mt. Baker in the distance.

  8. Lily Point Marine Park – Located in Point Roberts, this lovely walk has a bit of everything – panoramic views, beaches, a bit of hiking and some birdwatching. Head straight down Tyee Road from the border to the end, turning left onto APA Road.

What are your favourites? Let us know by leaving a comment below!
