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Ahhhhhh stretching. I’m not going to lie, it’s not my favourite thing. I used to brush off my lack of flexibility with a light-hearted “sorry, I don’t bend that way” until one day a client totally called me on it! We were talking about yoga and I was saying that I preferred running and the gym because “I don’t bend that way.” And she said “saying you’re too inflexible for yoga is like saying you are too dirty for a bath. The worse you are the more you need it!” And…. I think she was absolutely right. I actually might have given her a high five.

Touché dear client, touché.

Since then I have definitely incorporated more stretching into my fitness routine. But here is the thing, it’s important to know why you are stretching. What is the goal? Are you aiming for more range? Trying to avoid injury? Trying to warm up or cool down?

A lot of people view stretching as the magical answer to preventing and healing all injuries but this simply isn’t true.

There are a lot of different categories of stretching including static, dynamic, and pre-contraction stretching (more commonly known as PNF). What I have written below applies to good old-fashioned active static stretching (meaning you are doing the stretching to yourself, not someone doing it for you).

Stretching increases blood flow to muscles, can be psychologically relaxing and increases flexibility.  That new-found flexibility has it’s own set of benefits including improved performance in physical activities and decreased risk of injury for certain activities.

Should everyone just start stretching everything right now???? Not necessarily. Again, you have to remember the goal. Below I have given a few examples to outline situations when stretching is great vs some times when it is not-so-great. These obviously are not extensive lists but I just wanted to give you an idea about some things that we as physiotherapists are thinking about before we give you a stretch.

When Is Stretching Is Not Helpful?

  • If someone is hypermobile (eg. they have too much “wiggle room” in their joints) then stretching can be detrimental because they are adding even more range of motion to a joint that already moves too much! This will increase risk of injury. (A super quick screening test to tell if someone is hypermobile is to look at the Beighton Score.)

  • Stretching won’t prevent an overuse injury. This is a common misconception and not supported in the research.

When Is Stretching Great?

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  • People who sit at a desk all day often experience muscle shortening (hamstrings, hip flexors and pectorals are major culprits). Then when these people try to be active, they have increased risk of injury because their muscles are too tight to allow full range of motion. In this instance stretching muscles can help maintain their natural length, avoid shortening, and possibly avoid an injury.

  • For jumpers. Volleyball, basketball, soccer and ultimate players - we’re looking to you! During a jump the tendon and muscle are stretched as they land to absorb energy. That energy is then needed as they recoil to rebound and jump back into the air (think of a giant elastic being stretched then snapping back). If their tendon is lacking length that jumper is at higher risk of hurting themselves as they land and take off repeatedly.

  • In general, most stretching is safe as long as it is done with proper form and technique.

If you are going to stretch, here are some things to consider:

  • Don’t stretch cold muscles. Doing an intense stretch on cold muscles can increase your risk of injury. A brisk 5-10 minute walk could be your warm up, or something similar to the dynamic warm up (see below). Or you can do your stretches after your workout when your muscles are already nice and warm!

  • Hold it, don’t bounce. You should focus on a gentle, slow, sustained stretch of at least 30 seconds. Bouncing can harm your muscles.

  • Be gentle. I used to think that a stretch was only effective is my muscles felt like they were about to snap in half. But you catch more flies with honey and muscles are no exception. You should keep the intensity of your stretch at a 3/10, which is enough to feel some tension it but not enough for it to hurt. On this note, remember to breathe!

  • Use caution. If you have a pre-existing injury or a chronic ongoing issue, stretching might not be the answer. Maybe you need strength instead. Maybe you need to adjust your technique with the situation that is causing the injury. We can help you figure this part out!

  • Be consistent. Stretching is also similar to other types of exercise in the fact that consistency is key. Stretching two days per month will not affect your flexibility in the same way that running two days per month won’t help you with your cardio.

  • Stretching does not count as a warm up. A sustained static stretch (where you hold a certain position for >20 seconds) completed before a high-power activity such as sprinting decreases power output and increases injury risk. 

Instead of starting your workout with stretching, you should be doing a dynamic warm-up: swing your legs, do some squats, jog on the spot… move the limbs and joints you are about to move gently through their range of motion before beginning the more intense part of your exercise. Spending 5-10 minutes at the beginning of your workout warming up will help lower your risk of injury.

Looking for some guidance on your stretching routine with your aches and pains? We are here for you!

Book on online appointment - call us at (778) 630-8800, email us at or book online.

Happy stretching!