Telehealth and Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Most of us have a little extra time on our hands, for better or worse, so why not spend some time taking care of yourself? Let Nicole help part of that “new and improved you” be your pelvic floor. 


Hello everyone,

Crazy times… I know everyone is filled to the brim with COVID-19 comments and statements so I’m going to skip that whole part and suffice it to say that life in these past two weeks has been significantly different than what we are used to. But if I’m being completely honest, I am actually enjoying the change of pace. I have always said I wished I had more time. More time with the kids, more time for myself, even more time for chores (yes, I’ve found that folding laundry doesn’t seem like quite the torture it used to).

The other thing that has started to emerge is my desire to start chipping away at the “to-do” list that I’ve been putting off for “when I have more time.” And one of those things on my list is a desire to take better care of myself. I know! Self-care! What a concept! I think now is the perfect time to implement a program for myself because I know I will be able to stick to it! I mean, really, if I can’t find the time now then I doubt I ever will. 

That got me thinking, how many other women now have a little extra time on their hands and they’re trying to make the best of it? My guess is a lot!

Now may I be so bold as to suggest that one potential form of self care could be in the form of finally addressing your pelvic floor dysfunction? Have you leaked “forever” and it’s only a little bit so you have just tried to ignore it but it’s actually something you would rather live without? Are you finding now that you are home you are going to the bathroom much more frequently? Do you have to rush there? Are you taking longer walks and noticing vaginal heaviness or pressure once you get home?

I can help you with all of these things! Ladies, I want you on the trampoline WITH your kids, not sitting on the sidelines. If you have any concerns about urine leakage, prolapse, pain with intercourse or any other sort of pelvic floor dysfunction now is a great time to deal with it. 

You may ask - but isn’t your clinic closed right now? 

We are still open.

Although our in-person clinical visits are temporarily postponed due to social distancing, our physiotherapists still care how you are doing and we still want to help! We are open and available to support you in any way we can. And right now one of those ways is through “Skype-style” appointments! 

There are many strategies and exercises that I can give you so that you can start working towards your goal right away in the comfort of your own home!

I know the concept of online physiotherapy is new, but I have been so pleasantly encouraged by how successful it is! The assessment and education that is provided for the first day of a pelvic floor assessment in clinic is identical to what is done during an online appointment. Eventually there will be some limitations as some parts of the assessment and treatment can only be conducted in person (for example, an internal exam or the use of my biofeedback machine as needed). Once the clinic is up and running again I would be thrilled to meet you in person to complete those aspects of the treatment. 

What does an initial pelvic floor telehealth appointment look like? 

After booking an appointment you will receive a link via email. At the time of the appointment I will video call you through a secure line. You can answer the call on your phone, a tablet, or a computer (as long as it has a webcam and microphone). 

I will then proceed with the appointment as if we were in the clinic! This involves asking you approximately 1500000 questions (just kidding 😉) about your concerns regarding your bladder, bowels, sexual health, pain, general health, exercise habits and anything else that might be important in order to understand your issue and help you reach your goals. 

The next chunk of time will be dedicated to extensive education you about the dysfunction you are experiencing, why it happens, and what we can do about it. I will then talk you through strategies and exercises that you can do at home and give you a home exercise program that is specific to your needs so you can start your road to recovery and normalcy! 

At the end of the appointment we can decide if it would be appropriate to have an online follow up or if the follow up can be postponed until we can meet in person.

Of course, if you would rather delay your assessment until a time when it can be completed in person I completely understand and would be happy to see you once we are up and running again.

For general information about pelvic floor rehabilitation please see our website

You can find general information on Telerehabilitation here:

If you have any questions or would like to book an please feel free to email me directly at or you can call the office at 778-630-8800. 

I hope you are well. Take care!