Vestibular Rehab: Self-Isolation Edition

Hello reader! Your friendly neighhourhood vestibular therapist Devon here. My whole family is currently obsessed with Hamilton and the song I hear over and over in my head right now is “The World Is Upside Down”. It’s just so on point.

Given the current situation, you need to know two things. First:


Give us a call at (778) 630-8800 - we are answering the phone! Email us at! I can help guide you through this and can do a vestibular assessment through Telehealth, aka physiotherapy over the internet.

Second, I want to give you as many tools as humanly possible. Please keep in mind: I am a registered physiotherapist with lots of post graduate training in vestibular rehabilitation. When you come into the clinic, I’m looking not just for what is bothering you but also ruling out the potential really bad things. I cannot replace everything I do in the clinic with a step by step guide of what you can do at home.

But I can give you as much as I can, right? So, let’s start.

When it comes to vestibular rehab, the two most common offenders are BPPV and labrynthitis/vestibular neuritis. I can usually listen to your story and figure out which one it is before I examine you. Here’s the classic stories:

  • BPPV: This person will tell me they are generally fine until they look up or down, lie down, sit up or roll over in bed. Usually, this starts in the middle of the night or in the morning - they sit up and their world SPINS. The first time their world spins, it can last all day. After that, they usually spin less than a minute, but it’s a roller coaster of a minute.

  • Labrynthitis/Neuritis: This person’s symptoms can start anytime. They often have a harder time pinpointing when it started. They usually don’t use the word “spin” - it’s more off balance, brain foggy, light headed, hard to keep things in focus with their eyes, nausea +/- vomiting, and just a weird off feeling. They’ll tell me their symptoms are really hard to describe and articulate, they feel like maybe they’re crazy and no one understands. Often, their symptoms worsen as their fatigue, and stress makes them feel even worse.

For BPPV -

The best thing you can do is the Epley maneuver. The Epley is an exercise designed to get the crystals (aka otoconia) out of the posterior canal and back to where they should be (to the utricle). When done correctly, it is 90% effective with 1-3 treatments. It’s also a maneuver I teach everyone how to do when they are diagnosed with BPPV because 50% of people will get BPPV again within 5 years. If you have a history of BPPV, you should be able to do an Epley with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back (ok, not really, but you get my point).

There are a few precautions with performing an Epley. For someone with an arthritic or compromised neck, you want to make sure you do not push the neck too much. For someone with artery disease or reduced blood flow through the arteries to the brain, the Epley should not be performed without a check of these arteries. This is something I do in the clinic for every person before we do the Epley and can do through Telehealth.

If you think you have BPPV, side matters. If you get more dizzy when you roll to your right, you’ll want to do a right Epley. If the spins happen when you roll to the left, try the left Epley. I’ve attached instructions for each - just click on the links.

For Labrynthitis/Neuritis -

You need to work your brain. When one or both ears are giving your brain the wrong information, we simply have to change how your brain listens to your ears.

Think of it this way: if you’ve ever had a toddler, your family are usually the only ones who can understand them. A toddler’s language skills aren’t exactly perfect but, as the family, you learn what your kid is saying. It’s the same thing with your ear - it’s speaking in toddler language and it’s up to your brain to figure it out.

I can get really nerdy and dissect the types of exercises we do for vestibular rehab and why we do them, but I won’t do that to you here. What you need to know is that you need to challenge your system and make your brain work. The way you know your brain is working is you feel symptoms - maybe a bit of nausea, some brain fog, some off feelings.

After you make your brain work, you get your symptoms back to the same level they were before you started the exercise. You do this by:

  • Look at something that’s not moving - a light switch or a rock on the ground, for example. Make sure it’s something that your brain can trust is not moving; avoid a tree leaf.

  • Feel your feet - touch and feel are important parts of your sense of balance. Get into them and feel what your feet are touching. If you are standing, resist the urge to touch something with your hands - make your feet do the work.

  • Breathe - this is super important for getting the anxiety piece under control. Symptoms of vestibular dysfunction and anxiety look remarkably similar and often your brain doesn’t know which is which. Slow down your breathing with long, slow, deep breaths.

Here are some exercises that you can do:

  • Stand in the corner with your back towards the corner. Stand close enough that, if you fall, the walls will stop you from falling but not so close you are already touching the walls. Place your arms across your chest and your feet together. Close your eyes and maintain your balance. Aim for 30 seconds.
    If this gets too easy, push one foot a bit forward - make it hard! Remember, you need to challenge your brain to work your brain.

  • Write the letter “B” on a post it. Place it on the wall at eye level. Look at the B and move your head side to side at a speed that the B stays perfectly in focus. Do not allow the B to become blurry or separate into a 13 - if this happens, slow down your head speed and regain focus. Do this for one minute then settle your symptoms.
    (Pro tip - I often have people put a B at eye level opposite their toilet. They’re there for a minute anyway, might as well kill two birds with one stone!)

  • Go for a walk outside for at least 20 minutes every day. During that walk, focus on walking in a straight line and not veering to one side. Once that is easy, spend 30 seconds of that walk looking to the right and left for 3 steps each. The further you turn your head, the harder it will be to stay in a straight line. After the 30 seconds is up, settle your symptoms and do it again!

For more exercises you can incorporate into your every day life, check out one of my old blogs: Top Ten List: Vestibular Exercises for Life.

Vestibular rehab is a type of physiotherapy that works really well through Telehealth - if this is something you would like to try or if you just have questions you need answered, give us a call at (778) 630-8800 or email us at

Stay safe and healthy!