
Nice To Meet You Again!

If someone on the street asked me about our clinic I would probably say something like “Ladner Village Physiotherapy has three physiotherapists and a massage therapist. We take pride in offering specialized services such as pelvic floor physiotherapy and vestibular rehab.”

But there is more to us than just that. So as we prepare to re-open the clinic after being away for two months I would like to give you the inside scoop and re-introduce the real us. The “us” you might not know about at first glance. What random experiences have we had that could help us treat you better? One physio might be a better fit for you than others (for example if you horseback ride see Nicole, if you rock climb see Stephanie, and so on). Of course if you are ever wondering who to see our lovely front desk staff will be able to point you in the right direction. But, here is some insight into what we have to offer.

So who are we?


Devon is one of the owners of Ladner Village Physiotherapy. She has two young girls and is a lover of board games, skiing and ultimate frisbee. She would cut off her right arm to travel around the world and is usually planning her next adventure. Devon is our resident vestibular rehabilitation guru and is always up to date on current events.

Who should see Devon?

  • Concussion clients - Devon can help with many aspects of concussion and runs a concussion circuit every Friday morning. It’s filled with all kinds of fun things - obstable courses, puzzles, balance exercises and things that involve a lot of post its and lasers. She’s always having fun with them!

  • Vestibular clients - Do you spin when you wake up in the morning or lie down at night? Does the world move a little more than it should? Diagnosed with BPPV, Menieres or labrynthitis? Feeling off balance? Devon will pick you up and plunk you back on solid ground. She educates you extensively (be careful about asking her questions, she gets very excited and will start talking about neurotransmitters) about what is going on and what you can do about it. You can be confident that Devon is providing you with excellent care.

  • Ankles - Devon has more experience than most when it comes to ankle injuries and she will gladly help you on the road to recovery with your own injury.

  • Gardeners - Gardening is hard! There is bending and lifting and twisting and reaching. Devon is here to make sure you don’t hurt yourself while you enjoy your yard.


Stephanie is cheery and lovely and has the cutest little pup you ever did see. But what you might not know is that she is also probably the most hardcore out of the group (competitive rock climber!!), does yoga and paddle boarding and is a published author! She an an incredible thirst for knowledge and is constantly learning more about her craft.

Who would be great to see Stephanie?

  • Rotator cuff issues - Stephanie is the one for you. She will get that rotator cuff behaving like no other. Just imagine being able to lie on your side again or put a jacket on without worrying which hand you put in first! Heaven.

  • Rock Climbers - Stephanie is small and mighty and an excellent rock climber. She is there to make sure your body is ready to handle that dyno you’ve been dying to try.

  • Skaters – fun fact, Stephanie used to teach skating lessons, which is more than Devon and Nicole can say (Nicole still stops by running into the boards, Devon usually just falls). So, hockey players and ice dancers alike, if you need some help with your skating mechanics, she is the physio for you!

  • Dizziness and imbalance - As a sufferer herself, Stephanie has an intimate understanding of how vestibular issues can affect your life. She is here to help you with your symptoms and help you get your life back!


Nicole is also an owner at Ladner Village Physiotherapy. She grew up in Ladner and still lives here with her family. She loves any activity that involves fresh air (picnics included) and wants to know all about you, your favourite hiking spots and your best chocolate cake recipes. In her “previous pre-child life” Nicole also played soccer and did some horseback riding! Please tell her stories about your horses so she can live vicariously through you.

Who should see Nicole?

  • “Mom stuff” - Nicole is the resident pelvic floor therapist. This means you can talk to her about absolutely anything including, but not limited to: posture when breastfeeding, how to carry your baby in an ergo without hurting your back, exercise during pregnancy, exercise after baby, accidental urine leakage, prolapse, painful intercourse and everything in-between. If it’s pregnancy or baby-related she has got your back and will not rest until you are feeling AWESOME.

  • Runners - Although Nicole refers to herself as a “jogger” rather than runner, she has a few half marathons under her belt and can help you with your training, your gait, and treat your overuse injuries to get you back on the road.

  • Baseball/softball players - Nicole played competitive softball for MANY years (as a catcher). She understands throwing and batting mechanics, plus she wants to hear all about the epic double play from last game.

  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction - Pelvic pain? Accidental leakage of urine or feces? Prolapse? Nicole is there for you. She can help. The biggest thing she hears is “why didn’t I know about this sooner.”

What do we love about our clinic?

  • Sessions are one on one. They always have been, they always will be. You will never be “juggled.” We know your time is important and you don’t want an appointment to take up a huge chunk of your day. Your time slot is yours and we are dedicated to you completely during that time.

  • The physical space. We spent a long time designing the space to be exactly what we needed. Private treatment rooms, a super long hallway, you name it we planned it that way and we are so thrilled with it.

  • Our clients. This is our community. We live here, we work here, some of us grew up here. We could not be more thankful for our fantastic clients who make coming to work such a pleasure.

  • Technology is our friend. All of our equipment is up to date and we are constantly buying new equipment to keep up our learning and training (coming soon- a virtual reality system for Devon’s vestibular clients).

  • We are constantly learning. The best part about our field of health care is that it is constantly evolving. We get very excited about the courses we take to further our education within our chosen niche and we take the time to train each other and practice our techniques. We strive to be our best so we can be confident that you have received the best care that is highly skilled and evidence based.

For our returning clients, we cannot wait to see you again! If you’ve never been here before, we’d love to meet you! Give us a call at (778) 630-8800 or email us at clinic@ladnervillagephysio.com to book your next appointment.

See you soon!