
Quarantined? Keep Moving!

If you’re anything like me, the world is an anxiety-producing place right now. Every company I have ever given my email to is sending me their COVID-19 updates. I understand why but it’s not helping my mind calm down.

There is a huge body of research showing how exercise helps with a whole assortment of mental health conditions. As gyms, pools and public spaces shut down, several companies are stepping up and offering their services online, often for free.

Down Dog owns a series of online apps, all of which they are providing for free during the COVID-19 outbreak, helping people to stay as healthy as they can in their own homes. You can find their apps on iOS or Android. Here’s what they do:

  • Down Dog Yoga - yoga from home! You can chose your practice type (restorative, flow, hatha, gentle, etc), your level (Beginner 1 on up) and how long you want your practice to be.

  • Yoga For Beginners - completely useless at yoga? Try this one!

  • HIIT Workouts - for something more intense, try this one. Again, you can choose your level of difficulty, your focus (total body? arm workout or glutes?) and how long you want to go for. The best part? NO EQUIPMENT REQUIRED. Just turn it on and GO.

  • 7 Minute Workout - same idea as HIIT with a little bit less intensity. And hey, who can’t give 7 minutes a day for a little sweat?

  • Barre Workouts - are you caught up in the barre obsession? This is a great way to get at home! I’ll probably break this one out with my kids too - they’ll love practicing their ballerina moves. Once again, it’s the same idea - pick your focus and your time, then go for it!

The Washingtonian, an online publication out of the states, published a list of fitness studios offering their classes (some for free!) by online stream. Take a look and see what strikes your fancy. They’ll also be updating their list as the days go on.

One of my favourite meditation apps is Headspace, available on iOS and Android. In response to the outbreak, they have created a “Weathering the Storm” category with free meditations, sleep stories and more! If meditation is something you’ve been meaning to get into, now is definitely the time and Headspace is a great way to get started.

Finally, one of my favourite home exercises is an oldie but a goodie: Twister with my kids. The pretzels I twist myself into are certainly a good workout!

As of March 16, 2020, the biggest rule is social distancing. That leaves all kinds of things available for us - a lovely bike ride on the dyke! Walking among the tidal flats at Centennial Beach! Going for a jog in the gorgeous sunshine! Get outside for now and stay moving for the long haul.

Do you have a favourite website, app or idea for this outbreak? Let us know and we will add it to the list!

As always, if you’d like to book in with a physiotherapist, give us a shout at (778) 630-8800 or clinic@ladnervillagephysio.com. We are also now offering Telehealth services for those unable to come in person.