Ask A Physio (COVID Edition): Why Is My Dizziness Worse?


The unexpected effects of COVID seem to be never ending. From toilet paper shortages to Clorox winning the stock market, we are living in a reality none of us could have predicted. It was impossible to buy yeast for months -that’s weird!

A big unexpected effect for me and my vestibular clients has been a sharp increase in dizziness. Almost daily, I'm seeing clients from months and years past saying the same thing:

My symptoms are coming back and I don’t know why.

Here’s my break down of why I think this is occurring and what you can do to combat it.

The success of vestibular rehabilitation relies on three key components:

  1. Appropriate exercises that target the right problems - when working with someone with a vestibular disorder, it’s important to zero in on the cause of the problems and give the right exercises (learn more about that here).

  2. Getting enough activity and stimulation to keep everything firing - it’s the classic 'Use It or Lose It’. For any brain to learn and retain anything, it needs to be used. This is one of the principles behind neuroplasticity (learn more about that here).

  3. Managing stress and fatigue - these two things are the biggest inducers of vestibular symptoms. When stress or fatigue increase, symptoms typically aren’t far behind.

For most people, this pandemic has thrown two of the three components right in the trash. Stress is way up and activity levels are way down. Since the beginning of the year, there’s been a well documented rise in stress, anxiety and depression in the general population. This has spilled over into every area of our lives including the vestibular system. Combine that with less movement in our days - no exercise classes, working from home and staring at a screen for waaaaay longer than normal - and you have a recipe for a vestibular disaster.

So how do you combat this? How can you avoid this system crash?

  1. Get outside. For your brain to be happy and stimulated, you need unpredictable stimuli. You need to see the birds swooping in the air and the cars driving by you. You need to navigate curbs, potholes and other people. You need to get outside the four walls of your home and let your brain experience something else.

  2. Try something new. I know this is hard to do in a pandemic, but there are lots of pandemic-friendly activities that are also great for your vestibular system. Online exercise classes, diving headfirst into more complex recipes in the kitchen and dragging your bike out of the garage for a 10 km ride are all great ways to give your brain a real work out.

  3. Go for a walk with a friend. This is very much a Dr. Bonnie Henry-approved activity and a great one for your vestibular system. Not only will it help you lower your stress levels but the activity of turning your head to talk to your friend as you walk is a great vestibular exercise!

  4. Meditate. The research behind mindfulness practice and meditation is staggering in its breadth. It has been shown to decrease the symptoms of anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, help control pain and improve quality of life. If you’re not sure how to get on the meditation train, guided meditations are a great starting point - you can find several on Youtube or through apps like Calm and Headspace.

  5. Practice your vestibular exercises. If you’re a client of ours, you likely have a maintenance program you were given on your last day with the instructions to practice them three times per week. If you’ve fallen off the vestibular exercise wagon, it’s time to climb back on.

  6. Get the right help. If your symptoms are skyrocketing, reach out! It may be that a vestibular therapist is the right person for you or it may be a counselor or psychologist is your best bet. A conversation with your family doctor is also a great place to start.


Whatever the reason for your symptom increase, know these two things: you are not alone and there are things that can help get your symptoms back under control. Reach out to us at (778) 630-8800 or by email. Through in person or virtual appointments, we are here to help!

Have An Empty Wine Bottle Lying Around?

So I know we’re all in the same boat here. We’ve been staying home for over a month, which has probably included a lot of vegging out, binge-watching old movies, and baking more cookies than we could ever eat. We think about working out but gyms are closed, and it’s just so hard to get motivated for a home workout. Then you check your phone and see Nicole’s blog telling you it’s time to start strength training. What to do??

Don’t worry, I am here to help! All you need is one wine bottle (and don’t tell me you haven’t consumed at least ONE bottle of wine!). Fun fact: an average empty wine bottle weighs about 2.5lbs – personally my preferred dumbbell! Got your wine bottle? Let’s get started!

Here are 5 exercises that YOU can do AT HOME with just one empty WINE BOTTLE! This is a full body workout and has both easier and harder variations so no matter where you’re at in your fitness journey, this workout is for you!

Exercise #1: Triceps Curls in a Bridge


Lie on your back with your knees bent. Lift your hips up into a bridge position. Bring your arms up so that they are directly over your shoulders with the wine bottle held horizontally between both hands. Bend your elbows so that the wine bottle goes towards your head – but don’t let it hit your head!

Easier variation: Take out the bridge and just do the triceps curls!

Harder variation: Make it a single leg bridge!

Exercise #2: Biceps Curls in a Wall Sit


Position yourself with your back to the wall like you are sitting in a chair, knees bent to around 90 degrees. Grab the wine bottle with both hands and bend and straighten your arms while keeping the elbows tucked at your side.

Easier variation: Take out the wall sit and just do the biceps curls! Or drop that wine bottle! (gently)

Harder variation: Extend out one leg at a time!

Exercise #3: Side Plank Star


Get into a side plank, on your forearms or on your hands, you pick…just make sure you’re engaging all of those lovely shoulder muscles so your shoulder is not collapsing down! Grab that wine bottle and hold it up in the air.


Easier variation: Plank on your knees, drop that wine bottle and put your hand on your waist!

Harder variation: Wrap the wine bottle under your body and back up into the air (just like the picture on the right)!

Exercise #4: Wine Weighted Lunges


Grab that wine bottle with both hands and lunge one foot forward, dropping the back leg down so that your knee is bent to around 90 degrees. Step back and do the other side.


Easier variation: Drop the wine bottle. You can even use your free hands to now hold on to a chair for support!

Harder variation: Add a rotation with the wine bottle towards the side of the lunging foot with each lunge. Pulse it out at the bottom of the lunge. Do some walking lunges. So many options!

Exercise #5: Wine Weighted Side Stepping Squats


Grab the wine bottle and get into your best squat – you got it, able to see and wiggle your toes! Now step to the side while staying in your squat. Don’t forget to change directions!


Easier variation: Just squat, forget about the side steps. Do mini squats if you don’t want to get down low.

Harder variation: Add in some overhead presses with the wine bottle as you side step!

Want to make this a full blown, 30-minute total body workout? Just do each of the above exercises for 1 minute and take a 1 minute break after exercise #5…Then repeat 5 times!

For those of you looking for a bonus challenge…Do this workout with a FULL wine bottle, and then pour some out to celebrate when your 30 minutes is over.

As always, to book an (online!) appointment, give us a call at (778) 630-8800, email us or visit us at ladnervillagephysio.com.

I don’t know what you’re waiting for – happy workout!